this young ones! And if you can't get it... the 27 year old you will...
so... The purpose of this is to give the 27 year old you and others (57 year old you, your kids, grandkids, etc) a
gift. It is the gift of your mind as a 15 year old and what that mind
was thinking on some BIG QUESTIONS. You and others will likely smile
when you read your thoughts in the future. However, if you do a lame
job the 27 year old you will be disappointed. So make your entries worth
reading and put forth some deep and interesting thoughts when you
Each entry write about what you already know or what you think the
subject is about. Or why in the hell old people think you should know
about his stuff. Write about why this subject is NOT interesting. There
is no right or wrong answer. Actually, there is a wrong answer. It is
wrong not to put forth your best thoughts.
2) AFTER –
Now after the unit is over, you should take some time and write a nice
and juicy write up on what you learned. Perhaps do NOT just list facts,
people and such stuff. Write about how what you learned changed how you
think. Mention life lessons: What does what you learned teach you
about what you should AVOID or DO in life.
3) WHEN I’M 27 –
This is the easy part. Leave one page blank and title it: WHEN I’M 27
Write your response & complete all WHEN I’M 27 responses
OCCASIONAL DUE DATE: Mr P will assign Big Questions every unit. Big Books will be randomly collected throughout the year. Yippie!
FINAL DUE DATE: In around 12 years, when you bring your BIG BOOK with BIG THOUGHTS and take Mr P out for coffee (Your Treat) and a great chat about life and the BIG QUESTIONS.
TABLE OF CONTENT: First things first! At the start of your your spiral notebook have a Table of Content (TOC) with date for each Big Question Entry. Keep it up to date throughout the year. Leave 2 pages for the TOC. Be sure to do a solid job and make the 27 year old you happy. This lesson is NOT just for you, but also the 27 year old you.
Week 1 - Opening: Sept 10, 2015
Follow the format of a) before, b) after and c) when I'm 27.
1) Why study history?
Week 2 - Geography: Sept 16-25, 2015
Follow the format of a) before, b) after and c) when I'm 27.
2) Why study Geography?
Week 3 - Foundation: MONDAY SEPTEMBER 28, 2015
Follow the format of a) before, b) after and c) when I'm 27. Click to Etusd Forum
3) A) What is World History? B) When did it begin? C) How did it begin? D) List 5 things you want
4) The Inner Foundation - Wednesday September 30, 2015
Follow the format of a) before, b) after and c) when I'm 27. Open commentary is welcome. That
means come up with a BIG QUESTION for the lesson and write about what you wish, so long as it relates
to the Inner Foundation lesson.
For those who need guidance or suggestion: Reflect on the lesson, look over your notes, create a BIG
QUESTION and write up a response to your BIG QUESTION that will be worth reading for Mr P and
when you are 27.
Suggestions for BBQs #4 & 5 - If you are struggling to come up with your own BIG QUESTION for
the 4) Inner Lesson & 5) Cycle of Life Lesson, then pick questions for your BBQ.
1) What is worth knowing? Why?
2) What had you given little thought to before the lesson? What do you now think is important? Why did you
change your mind? What changed your mind?
Be sure any BIG QUESTION covers the lesson, makes you want to write and will be worth reading
for others like Mr P and the 27 year old you.
5) Cycle of Life - Wednesday September 30, 2015
Follow the format of a) before, b) after and c) when I'm 27. Open commentary is welcome. That
means come up with a BIG QUESTION for the lesson and write about what you wish, so long as it
relates to the Inner Foundation lesson.
For those who need guidance or suggestion: Reflect on the lesson, look over your notes, create a BIG
QUESTION and write up a response to your BIG QUESTION that will be worth reading for Mr
and when you are 27.
TABLE OF CONTENT: First things first! At the start of your your spiral notebook have a Table of Content (TOC) with date for each Big Question Entry. Keep it up to date throughout the year. Leave 2 pages for the TOC. Be sure to do a solid job and make the 27 year old you happy. This lesson is NOT just for you, but also the 27 year old you.
Week 3 - Foundation: MONDAY SEPTEMBER 28, 2015
Follow the format of a) before, b) after and c) when I'm 27. Click to Etusd Forum
3) A) What is World History? B) When did it begin? C) How did it begin? D) List 5 things you want
4) The Inner Foundation - Wednesday September 30, 2015
Follow the format of a) before, b) after and c) when I'm 27. Open commentary is welcome. That
means come up with a BIG QUESTION for the lesson and write about what you wish, so long as it relates
to the Inner Foundation lesson.
For those who need guidance or suggestion: Reflect on the lesson, look over your notes, create a BIG
QUESTION and write up a response to your BIG QUESTION that will be worth reading for Mr P and
when you are 27.
Suggestions for BBQs #4 & 5 - If you are struggling to come up with your own BIG QUESTION for
the 4) Inner Lesson & 5) Cycle of Life Lesson, then pick questions for your BBQ.
1) What is worth knowing? Why?
2) What had you given little thought to before the lesson? What do you now think is important? Why did you
change your mind? What changed your mind?
Be sure any BIG QUESTION covers the lesson, makes you want to write and will be worth reading
for others like Mr P and the 27 year old you.
5) Cycle of Life - Wednesday September 30, 2015
Follow the format of a) before, b) after and c) when I'm 27. Open commentary is welcome. That
means come up with a BIG QUESTION for the lesson and write about what you wish, so long as it
relates to the Inner Foundation lesson.
For those who need guidance or suggestion: Reflect on the lesson, look over your notes, create a BIG
QUESTION and write up a response to your BIG QUESTION that will be worth reading for Mr
and when you are 27.
Suggestions for BBQs #4 & 5 - If you are struggling to come up with your own BIG QUESTION for the 4) Inner Lesson & 5) Cycle of Life Lesson, then pick questions for your BBQ.
1) What is worth knowing? Why?
2) What had you given little thought to before the lesson? What do you now think is important? Why did you change your mind? What changed your mind?
Be sure any BIG QUESTION covers the lesson, makes you want to write and will be worth reading for others like Mr P and the 27 year old you.
6) Social Science Career - Thursday - October 1, 2015
6) Based on Social Science Career Class Discussion: What social science career would you choose? What work would you be interested to work on? And why?
7) Movement of Mankind / Long Echo + You Lesson
Pick one of the following 7a or 7b: Friday October 2, 2015
7A) Write about some of the things you learned from this lesson. Explain what you previously thought before learning what you learned. What else would you like to know or think future students should know about the information covered for this lesson?
7A) Write about some of the things you learned from this lesson. Explain what you previously thought before learning what you learned. What else would you like to know or think future students should know about the information covered for this lesson?
7B) What information did you find most compelling and most doubtful? What would you like to know more about?
Be sure any BIG QUESTION covers the lesson, makes you want to write and will be worth reading for others like Mr P and the 27 year old you.
8) Week 5 - World Myths, Religions & Philosophy October 8, 2015
1). THIS IS BEFORE: What, in general, did you know about myths, the major world religions and philosophy before you studied this unit?
2. THIS IS AFTER: What did you learn about myths, religion & philosophy in this unit that you will likely remember for a long time. (After)
3. THIS IS 27 year old you: (do now) Regarding the major world religions, or religion in general, what more do you want to know?
(Answer now for the 27 year old you and in 12 years you’ll find out if you found out what you wanted to know)
E. Why is it important for 15 years old to have a basic understanding of myths, religions and philosophy?
F. Explain what mythological, religious and philosophical ideas are useful to the lives of 15 year old today? Why are the ideas mentioned more useful than ideas you did NOT mention?
10) Week 7 - 8 Autocracy & Democracy - October 20, 2015
At the start of the unit be sure to do the BEFORE part for the questions below. At the end of the unit, write a complete and thorough AFTER part for the questions below. In the AFTER section, be sure to include ideas, historical people and terms you learned during the unit and how it impacted your thoughts on the BBQs below. Finally, be sure to leave space for your 27 years old section.
A) What makes a good society?
B) What is the good life?
C) What is the ideal form of government?
Use C-SPAN Links to News Sources
This is a quality starting point for many but not all good news sources.
From the above link, students can find newspapers, magazines, journals, websites, think tanks, book TV blogs, podcasts, radio broadcasts and more.
Students can find Left, Center & Right Wing News Sources (Left, Center & Right Radio)
Local, State and National New Sources as well as International Sources.
Some News Sources might be broad in scope and others very narrow.
1) CBC = Canada
2) BBC = Britain
3) CCTV = China
4) RT = Russia
5) Al Jazeera = Middle East (Doha, Qatar) American Version / Al Jazeera Arabic Version in English
21st Century Journalism Revolution - How the world of media is changing
C-SPAN Student Journalism
12) BBQ #12 -Week 11-12 French Revolution November 25, 2013
Write a solid response for the BEFORE and once the unit is over an AFTER response for the following question: (Be sure to leave a page blank for your 27 year old response)
Why do people revolt?
13) BBQ #13 - Week 13-14 Napoleonic Era December 2013
Write a solid response for the BEFORE and once the unit is over an AFTER response for the following question: (Be sure to leave a page blank for your 27 year old response)
Students just need to respond to 1 of the following questions (A or B):
A) What can someone learn about life by studying the life of Napoleon?
B) Is Napoleon a Good or Bad person of World History?
14) BBQ #14 - Week 15-19 Industrial Revolution January 2014
Write a solid response for the BEFORE and once the unit is over an AFTER response for the following question: (Be sure to leave a page blank for your 27 year old response)
Students just need to respond to 1 of the following questions (A or B):
A) How did the evolution of work and labor lead to the development of Industry?
B) How has the IR impacted the individual, society at large, and the development of economic systems?
15) BBQ #15 - Week 20 - Industrial Revolution January 2014
Write a solid response for the IR Lessons this week. P is looking for DEP. D = Development of ideas E = Evidence from lessons that back your purpose or claim in your response. P = Purpose to what you are saying. Not merely a retelling of lessons.
Respond to the various lessons covered in class this week. Such topics included:
1) Rock, Scissors, Paper and Pennies
2) 100 Pennies
3) Man out on Hawthorne
4) O'Leary & Perkins vs Pope & Hanauer
5) Federal Taxes and You
6) Sueta Plan
16) BBQ #16 Week 21-23 Nationalism & Imperialism February 2015
BEFORE: It is totally OK for the BEFORE portion to be a) limited, b) guessing what the unit will be about c) posing questions and contain incorrect information. Still, the BEFORE should be a solid effort (Not a short few sentences)
AFTER: The AFTER portion should be much longer. It should include or mix together the following:
Students just need to respond to at least 1 of the following questions (A, B or C):
A) Do a nation's nationalist ways lead to a positive or negative impact on the nation, the surrounding territories and the world?
B) Why is there Imperialism?
C) Does Nationalism and Imperialism, as described in the unit, still exist today? If so, explain. In not, explain how today is difference from the past.
17) BBQ #17 Week 24-26 WWI February 2015
Write a solid response for the BEFORE and once the unit is over an AFTER response for the following question: (Be sure to leave a page blank for your 27 year old response)
Students just need to respond to 1 of the following questions (A or B):
if you did NOT do the BEFORE part at the start of the unit then answer BOTH questions (A & B):
A) How does war happen?
B) How can mankind's cycle of nonsense be stopped?
C) How did governments attempt to influence the attitudes and behaviors of their citizens during WWI?
18) BBQ #18 Week 27-28 Russian Revolution March 2015
Simply submit and attach an extra printout of your Russian Revolution Freestyle paper.
19) BBQ #19 Week 29-33 WWII March - April 2015
Write solid responses at the end of the unit or AFTER the unit. Then be sure to leave 1 page blank to respond when you are 27 years old. Students just need to respond to 1 of the following questionsfrom each section (A & B):
Section A) WWII EUROPE (Pick 1 below)
1) Why was the world drawn into WWII? Could it have been avoided? If not, why? If so, how?
2) What basic, general or detailed information did you appreciate learning about WWII?
Section B) WWII PACIFIC (Pick 1 below)
1) Why is it so difficult to get everyone to agree upon history? (Referring to events like Pearl Harbor)
2) Will Atomic Bombs be used again like it was used on Hiroshima and Nagasaki? Why or why not?
3) Thinking about what you were thinking before the unit and now: Are Atomic Bombs the most "hidden" and/or most "forgotten" threat to mankind today?
20 BBQ #20 Week 34 Holocaust / Genocide End of April - Early May 2015
Write a solid response for the BEFORE and once the unit is over an AFTER response for the following question: (Be sure to leave a page blank for your 27 year old response)
1) Why do good people allow bad things to happen?
21 BBQ #21 Week 35 PostWWII Independence Mid-May 2015
Write a solid response for the BEFORE and once the unit is over an AFTER response for the following question: (Be sure to leave a page blank for your 27 year old response)
This BBQ would NOT be correct or complete without discussing the two tactics of Civil Disobedience in India or Guerrilla Warfare in Algeria. Use the unit terms (Gandhi, Amritsar Massacre, etc) and demonstrate not only knowledge of the terms but that you have given this topic serious and deep thought. Keep the shallow, simple and fluffy stuff in your brain.
1) What is the best way to get independence? And Why?
22 BBQ #22 Week 35-38 Cold War Mid-May- Early June 2015
Write a solid response for the BEFORE and once the unit is over an AFTER response for the following question: (Be sure to leave a page blank for your 27 year old response)
Students likely will no little to none BEFORE the Cold War unit begins. That is OK. Students should still write a complete BEFORE response. They can identify and write about what they do NOT know. Sometimes the first step in learning is realizing what one does NOT know.
Question Breakdown --- Going over A-D will help students effectively answer the bold BBQ below.
The BBQ below is a complicated question and cannot be answered in a short and simple way. This will be one of your last BBQs. Finish the year strong, P-Villians!
A) Figure out or ask P what diplomatic means
B) Next, identify, list and explain the diplomatic successes and failures of the Cold War
C) What does each success and each failure teach us today?
D) How are these diplomatic successes and failures useful to us today?
1) What can be learned from the diplomatic, militaristic and mass movements' successes and failures of the Cold War and be made useful today?
At the start of the unit be sure to do the BEFORE part for the questions below. At the end of the unit, write a complete and thorough AFTER part for the questions below. In the AFTER section, be sure to include ideas, historical people and terms you learned during the unit and how it impacted your thoughts on the BBQs below. Finally, be sure to leave space for your 27 years old section.
A) What makes a good society?
B) What is the good life?
C) What is the ideal form of government?
Use C-SPAN Links to News Sources
This is a quality starting point for many but not all good news sources.
From the above link, students can find newspapers, magazines, journals, websites, think tanks, book TV blogs, podcasts, radio broadcasts and more.
Students can find Left, Center & Right Wing News Sources (Left, Center & Right Radio)
Local, State and National New Sources as well as International Sources.
Some News Sources might be broad in scope and others very narrow.
1) CBC = Canada
2) BBC = Britain
3) CCTV = China
4) RT = Russia
5) Al Jazeera = Middle East (Doha, Qatar) American Version / Al Jazeera Arabic Version in English
21st Century Journalism Revolution - How the world of media is changing
C-SPAN Student Journalism
12) BBQ #12 -Week 11-12 French Revolution November 25, 2013
Write a solid response for the BEFORE and once the unit is over an AFTER response for the following question: (Be sure to leave a page blank for your 27 year old response)
Why do people revolt?
13) BBQ #13 - Week 13-14 Napoleonic Era December 2013
Write a solid response for the BEFORE and once the unit is over an AFTER response for the following question: (Be sure to leave a page blank for your 27 year old response)
Students just need to respond to 1 of the following questions (A or B):
A) What can someone learn about life by studying the life of Napoleon?
B) Is Napoleon a Good or Bad person of World History?
14) BBQ #14 - Week 15-19 Industrial Revolution January 2014
Write a solid response for the BEFORE and once the unit is over an AFTER response for the following question: (Be sure to leave a page blank for your 27 year old response)
Students just need to respond to 1 of the following questions (A or B):
A) How did the evolution of work and labor lead to the development of Industry?
B) How has the IR impacted the individual, society at large, and the development of economic systems?
15) BBQ #15 - Week 20 - Industrial Revolution January 2014
Write a solid response for the IR Lessons this week. P is looking for DEP. D = Development of ideas E = Evidence from lessons that back your purpose or claim in your response. P = Purpose to what you are saying. Not merely a retelling of lessons.
Respond to the various lessons covered in class this week. Such topics included:
1) Rock, Scissors, Paper and Pennies
2) 100 Pennies
3) Man out on Hawthorne
4) O'Leary & Perkins vs Pope & Hanauer
5) Federal Taxes and You
6) Sueta Plan
16) BBQ #16 Week 21-23 Nationalism & Imperialism February 2015
Write a solid response for the BEFORE and once the unit is over an AFTER
response for the following question: (Be sure to leave a page blank for your 27
year old response)
BEFORE: It is totally OK for the BEFORE portion to be a) limited, b) guessing what the unit will be about c) posing questions and contain incorrect information. Still, the BEFORE should be a solid effort (Not a short few sentences)
AFTER: The AFTER portion should be much longer. It should include or mix together the following:
Answer the BBQ directly
Give multiple historical examples to back your claim
Use subject specific vocab
Connect to today
Write to and for yourself.... or the 27 year old you! Do NOT write like an academic zombie and just
repeat definitions or what Mr
P said in class! What does all the
material covered in the unit mean to you? to teenagers today? Does it matter to
you? Some of it? None? A little? A bunch? What? Explain. All answers are good
as long as they are explained.
Refer to and connect to other things learned throughout the school year. Now you are thinking big!Students just need to respond to at least 1 of the following questions (A, B or C):
A) Do a nation's nationalist ways lead to a positive or negative impact on the nation, the surrounding territories and the world?
B) Why is there Imperialism?
C) Does Nationalism and Imperialism, as described in the unit, still exist today? If so, explain. In not, explain how today is difference from the past.
17) BBQ #17 Week 24-26 WWI February 2015
Write a solid response for the BEFORE and once the unit is over an AFTER response for the following question: (Be sure to leave a page blank for your 27 year old response)
Students just need to respond to 1 of the following questions (A or B):
if you did NOT do the BEFORE part at the start of the unit then answer BOTH questions (A & B):
A) How does war happen?
B) How can mankind's cycle of nonsense be stopped?
C) How did governments attempt to influence the attitudes and behaviors of their citizens during WWI?
18) BBQ #18 Week 27-28 Russian Revolution March 2015
Simply submit and attach an extra printout of your Russian Revolution Freestyle paper.
Students will type a 1 page paper on one of the following topics:
a) Should 15 yr olds know about Stalin?
Explain & justify your opinion using vocab words.
b) Is Totalitarianism alive today or a thing of the past? Provide evidence to back your claim
c) What should a 15 year old in 2011 know & understand about Revolutions (Russian)? Write as if you are writing a warning essay to 15 yr olds in the future.
d) What is the ideal society?
e) Why do people revolt?
f) How do revolutionary ideals change over time? Explain.
g) Any suggestions for other possible student essay topics? Email Mr P with your essay topic idea.
19) BBQ #19 Week 29-33 WWII March - April 2015
Write solid responses at the end of the unit or AFTER the unit. Then be sure to leave 1 page blank to respond when you are 27 years old. Students just need to respond to 1 of the following questions
Section B) WWII PACIFIC (Pick 1 below)
1) Why is it so difficult to get everyone to agree upon history? (Referring to events like Pearl Harbor)
2) Will Atomic Bombs be used again like it was used on Hiroshima and Nagasaki? Why or why not?
3) Thinking about what you were thinking before the unit and now: Are Atomic Bombs the most "hidden" and/or most "forgotten" threat to mankind today?
Any suggestions for other possible student essay topics? Email Mr P with your essay topic idea.
20 BBQ #20 Week 34 Holocaust / Genocide End of April - Early May 2015
Write a solid response for the BEFORE and once the unit is over an AFTER response for the following question: (Be sure to leave a page blank for your 27 year old response)
1) Why do good people allow bad things to happen?
21 BBQ #21 Week 35 PostWWII Independence Mid-May 2015
Write a solid response for the BEFORE and once the unit is over an AFTER response for the following question: (Be sure to leave a page blank for your 27 year old response)
This BBQ would NOT be correct or complete without discussing the two tactics of Civil Disobedience in India or Guerrilla Warfare in Algeria. Use the unit terms (Gandhi, Amritsar Massacre, etc) and demonstrate not only knowledge of the terms but that you have given this topic serious and deep thought. Keep the shallow, simple and fluffy stuff in your brain.
1) What is the best way to get independence? And Why?
Any su Any suggestions for other possible student essay topics? Email Mr P with your essay topic idea.
22 BBQ #22 Week 35-38 Cold War Mid-May- Early June 2015
Write a solid response for the BEFORE and once the unit is over an AFTER response for the following question: (Be sure to leave a page blank for your 27 year old response)
Students likely will no little to none BEFORE the Cold War unit begins. That is OK. Students should still write a complete BEFORE response. They can identify and write about what they do NOT know. Sometimes the first step in learning is realizing what one does NOT know.
Question Breakdown --- Going over A-D will help students effectively answer the bold BBQ below.
The BBQ below is a complicated question and cannot be answered in a short and simple way. This will be one of your last BBQs. Finish the year strong, P-Villians!
A) Figure out or ask P what diplomatic means
B) Next, identify, list and explain the diplomatic successes and failures of the Cold War
C) What does each success and each failure teach us today?
D) How are these diplomatic successes and failures useful to us today?
1) What can be learned from the diplomatic, militaristic and mass movements' successes and failures of the Cold War and be made useful today?
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