Big Questions for The Big Book - All students should have a spiral notebook for this ongoing lesson.
Get this young ones! And if you can't get it... the 27 year old you will so... The
purpose of this is to give the 27 year old you and others (57
year old you, your kids, grandkids, etc)
gift. It is the gift of your mind as a 15 year old and what that mind was
thinking on some BIG QUESTIONS. You and
others will likely smile when you read your thoughts in the future. However, if you do a lame job the 27 year old
you will be disappointed. So make your entries worth reading and put forth some
deep and interesting thoughts when you write.
– Each entry write about what you already know or what you think the subject is
about. Or why in the hell old people think you should know about his
stuff. Write about why this subject is
NOT interesting. There is no right or wrong answer. Actually, there is a wrong
answer. It is wrong not to put forth your best thoughts.
– Now after the unit is over, you should take some time and write a nice and
juicy write up on what you learned. Perhaps do NOT just list facts, people and
such stuff. Write about how what you
learned changed how you think. Mention
life lessons: What does what you learned teach you about what you should AVOID
or DO in life.
WHEN I’M 27 – This is the easy part. Leave one page
blank and title it: WHEN I’M 27 Write your response & complete all WHEN I’M
27 responses
will assign Big Questions every week or every unit. Big Books will be randomly
collected throughout the year. Yippie!
DUE DATE: In around 12 years, when you bring your
BIG BOOK with BIG THOUGHTS and take Mr P
out for coffee (Your Treat) and a great chat about life and the BIG QUESTIONS.
TABLE OF CONTENT: First things first! At the start of your your spiral notebook have a Table of Content (TOC) with date for each Big Question Entry. Keep it up to date throughout the year. Leave 2 pages for the TOC. Be sure to do a solid job and make the 27 year old you happy. This lesson is NOT just for you, but also the 27 year old you.
Week 1 - Opening: Sept 9-13, 2013
Follow the format of a) before, b) after and c) when I'm 27.
1) Why study history?
Week 2 - Geography: Sept 16-20, 2013
Follow the format of a) before, b) after and c) when I'm 27.
2) Why study Geography?
Week 3 - Foundation: MONDAY SEPTEMBER 23, 2013
Follow the format of a) before, b) after and c) when I'm 27.
3) What is World History? B) When did it begin? C) How did it begin? D) List 5 things you want
4) The Inner Foundation - Wednesday September 25, 2013
Follow the format of a) before, b) after and c) when I'm 27. Open commentary is welcome. That means come up with a BIG QUESTION for the lesson and write about what you wish, so long as it relates to the Inner Foundation lesson.
For those who need guidance or suggestion: Reflect on the lesson, look over your notes, create a BIG QUESTION and write up a response to your BIG QUESTION that will be worth reading for Mr P and when you are 27.
Suggestions for BBQs #4 & 5 - If you are struggling to come up with your own BIG QUESTION for the 4) Inner Lesson & 5) Cycle of Life Lesson, then pick questions for your BBQ.
1) What is worth knowing? Why?
2) What had you given little thought to before the lesson? What do you now think is important? Why did you change your mind? What changed your mind?
Be sure any BIG QUESTION covers the lesson, makes you want to write and will be worth reading for others like Mr P and the 27 year old you.
5) Cycle of Life - Wednesday September 25, 2013
Follow the format of a) before, b) after and c) when I'm 27. Open commentary is welcome. That means come up with a BIG QUESTION for the lesson and write about what you wish, so long as it relates to the Inner Foundation lesson.
For those who need guidance or suggestion: Reflect on the lesson, look over your notes, create a BIG QUESTION and write up a response to your BIG QUESTION that will be worth reading for Mr P and when you are 27.
TABLE OF CONTENT: First things first! At the start of your your spiral notebook have a Table of Content (TOC) with date for each Big Question Entry. Keep it up to date throughout the year. Leave 2 pages for the TOC. Be sure to do a solid job and make the 27 year old you happy. This lesson is NOT just for you, but also the 27 year old you.
Week 1 - Opening: Sept 9-13, 2013
Follow the format of a) before, b) after and c) when I'm 27.
1) Why study history?
Week 2 - Geography: Sept 16-20, 2013
Follow the format of a) before, b) after and c) when I'm 27.
2) Why study Geography?
Week 3 - Foundation: MONDAY SEPTEMBER 23, 2013
Follow the format of a) before, b) after and c) when I'm 27.
3) What is World History? B) When did it begin? C) How did it begin? D) List 5 things you want
4) The Inner Foundation - Wednesday September 25, 2013
Follow the format of a) before, b) after and c) when I'm 27. Open commentary is welcome. That means come up with a BIG QUESTION for the lesson and write about what you wish, so long as it relates to the Inner Foundation lesson.
For those who need guidance or suggestion: Reflect on the lesson, look over your notes, create a BIG QUESTION and write up a response to your BIG QUESTION that will be worth reading for Mr P and when you are 27.
Suggestions for BBQs #4 & 5 - If you are struggling to come up with your own BIG QUESTION for the 4) Inner Lesson & 5) Cycle of Life Lesson, then pick questions for your BBQ.
1) What is worth knowing? Why?
2) What had you given little thought to before the lesson? What do you now think is important? Why did you change your mind? What changed your mind?
Be sure any BIG QUESTION covers the lesson, makes you want to write and will be worth reading for others like Mr P and the 27 year old you.
5) Cycle of Life - Wednesday September 25, 2013
Follow the format of a) before, b) after and c) when I'm 27. Open commentary is welcome. That means come up with a BIG QUESTION for the lesson and write about what you wish, so long as it relates to the Inner Foundation lesson.
For those who need guidance or suggestion: Reflect on the lesson, look over your notes, create a BIG QUESTION and write up a response to your BIG QUESTION that will be worth reading for Mr P and when you are 27.
Suggestions for BBQs #4 & 5 - If you are struggling to come up with your own BIG QUESTION for the 4) Inner Lesson & 5) Cycle of Life Lesson, then pick questions for your BBQ.
1) What is worth knowing? Why?
2) What had you given little thought to before the lesson? What do you now think is important? Why did you change your mind? What changed your mind?
Be sure any BIG QUESTION covers the lesson, makes you want to write and will be worth reading for others like Mr P and the 27 year old you.
6) Social Science Career - Thursday - September 26, 2013
6) Based on Social Science Career Class Discussion: What social science career would you choose? What work would you be interested to work on? And why?
7) Movement of Mankind / Long Echo + You Lesson
Pick one of the following 7a or 7b: Friday September 27, 2013
7A) Write about some of the things you learned from this lesson. Explain what you previously thought before learning what you learned. What else would you like to know or think future students should know about the information covered for this lesson?
7B) What information did you find most compelling and most doubtful? What would you like to know more about?
Be sure any BIG QUESTION covers the lesson, makes you want to write and will be worth reading for others like Mr P and the 27 year old you.
8) Week 5 - World Myths, Religions & Philosophy October 2, 2013
1). THIS IS BEFORE: What, in general, did you know
about myths, the major world religions and philosophy before you
studied this unit?
THIS IS AFTER: What did you learn about myths,
& philosophy in this unit that you will likely remember for a long time. (After)
3. THIS IS 27 year old you: (do now) Regarding the major world
religions, or religion in general, what more do you want to know?
now for the 27 year old you and in 12
years you’ll find out if you found out what you wanted to know)
9) Week 6 - World Myths, Religions & Philosophy October 4, 2013
4, 5 & 6 below you simply need to answer these questions fully. You do NOT need
to do a Before and After for each question. Yet, at end of 6 leave a blank page
for 27 year old you.
4. Why does myths, religion & philosophy exist?
5. How would
life be without myths, religion and philosophy?
Explain your answer.
Is there an invisible force that dominates our lives today? Explain your answer.
10) Week 7 - Autocracy & Democracy - October 15, 2013
At the start of the unit be sure to do the BEFORE part for the questions below. At the end of the unit, write a complete and thorough AFTER part for the questions below. In the AFTER section, be sure to include ideas, historical people and terms you learned during the unit and how it impacted your thoughts on the BBQs below. Finally, be sure to leave space for your 27 years old section.
A) What makes a good society?
B) What is the good life?
C) What is the ideal form of government?
10) Week 7 - Autocracy & Democracy - October 15, 2013
At the start of the unit be sure to do the BEFORE part for the questions below. At the end of the unit, write a complete and thorough AFTER part for the questions below. In the AFTER section, be sure to include ideas, historical people and terms you learned during the unit and how it impacted your thoughts on the BBQs below. Finally, be sure to leave space for your 27 years old section.
A) What makes a good society?
B) What is the good life?
C) What is the ideal form of government?
11) Week 8 -10 Middle Ages - American Revolution - November 4, 2013
Big Picture Questions for Most Radical Unit
1) What is the role for the individual within society?
2) Does the time impact the individual or the individual impact the time?
3) How is the average person impacted by the time period by which they are living?
Middle Ages
-How were people treated during the Middle Ages?
-What was the peasants’ biggest mistake in life? Why?
-What was the biggest thing the Renaissance contributed to life today?
-How did the attitudes of people during the Renaissance differ from other eras? Was this good?
Northern Renaissance
-How was the Northern Renaissance different from the Italian version?
-How did the inventions during this era affect the people of the times? Us today? How is it different?
-What moral lines were crossed during this era? How did the explorers justify them? Were they right?
-Which expedition most affected our world today? Why?
-What parts of your life today need to be changed? Why?
-Did Martin Luther make the right choice in posting up his thesis? Why? Was his punishment fair?
Scientific Revolution
-Explain “I think therefore I am.” Is this saying applicable to today’s world of instant communication?
-Was it right for scientists during this era to apply rigid scientific methods to unpredictable humanity?
Why? Is there a limit?
-Why did ideas spread so fast during this era? Does this happen today? Why?
-Which philosophy of this era was right? Defend your choice.
American Revolution
-What influenced the creation of our US Constitution? So history is important, right?
-If you could have decided how our government would be set up, knowing how things are today, would
you do things differently? How?
Big Picture Questions for Most
Radical Unit
What is the role for the individual within
Does the time impact the individual or the
individual impact the time?
How is the average person impacted by the time
period by which they are living?
Middle Ages
-How were people treated during the Middle Ages?
-What was the peasants’ biggest mistake in life? Why?
-What was the biggest thing the Renaissance contributed to
life today?
-How did the attitudes of people during the Renaissance
differ from other eras? Was this good?
-How was the Northern Renaissance different from the Italian
-How did the inventions during this era affect the people of
the times? Us today? How is it different?
-What moral lines were crossed during this era? How did the
explorers justify them? Were they right?
-Which expedition most affected our world today? Why?
-What parts of your life today need to be changed? Why?
-Did Martin Luther make the right choice in posting up his
thesis? Why? Was his punishment fair?
-Explain “I think therefore I am.” Is this saying applicable
to today’s world of instant communication?
-Was it right for scientists during this era to apply rigid
scientific methods to unpredictable humanity? Why? Is there a limit?
-Why did ideas spread so fast during this era? Does this
happen today? Why?
-Which philosophy of this era was right? Defend your choice.
-What influenced the creation of our US Constitution? So
history is important, right?
-If you could have decided how our government would be set
up, knowing how things are today, would you do things differently? How?
What are you doing to change your world today? Will you leave your mark on history?
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